40% of women have dense breast tissue which makes it difficult to detect cancer with mammography. Invenia ABUS automated breast ultrasound helps improve invasive breast cancer detection in dense breast tissue.
Different Tests for Different Breasts
Breast care is evolving. Every woman is different and requires a personalized approach. A healthy approach to breast cancer screening begins with a strong foundation of awareness.
Supporting the conversation
There are different options available for breast screening and diagnosis based on a patient’s risk factors including dense breasts. Download a breast care discussion toolkit.
Educate patients on breast cancer risks
This informative web site helps women learn about breast cancer risks, breast screening and breast density. Visit knowyourrisk.gehealthcare.com.
Managing patients with dense breasts
Invenia ABUS automated breast ultrasound helps clinicians see cancer that was unseen on a mammogram and may bring patients additional peace of mind. View an ABUS exam demonstration video.
Learn more about Invenia ABUS
For more information about Invenia ABUS, contact your sales representative, call 888-202-5528 or visit us online at: www.gehealthcare.com/InveniaABUS
Invenia ABUS is part of GE Healthcare's suite of Breast Health Advantage Solutions. At GE, we realize that every patient is different. As a result, each patient's journey requires a unique approach. Our comprehensive approach covers the entire care continuum – including screening, diagnosis, staging, planning & treatment and monitoring.
1. Brem RF, Tabár L, et.al. Assessing Improvement in Detection of Breast Cancer with Three-dimensional Automated Breast US in Women with Dense Breast Tissue: The SomoInsight Study. Radiology.2015 Mar; 274(3): 663-73.
2. Boyd, N.F. et.al. Mammographic Density and the Risk and Detection of Breast Cancer, N Engl J Med 2007;356:227-36
3. Shah, Differences in Pain Perceptions, JDMS, February 013.
GE, GE monogram and Invenia are trademarks of the General Electric Company or one of its subsidiaries.
The Invenia ABUS is indicated as an adjunct to mammography or breast cancer screening in asymptomatic women for whom screening mammography findings are normal or benign (BI-RADS® Assessment Category 1 or 2), with dense breast parenchyma (BI-RADS Composition/Density 3 or 4), and have not had previous clinical breast intervention. The device is intended to increase breast cancer detection in the described patient population. The Invenia ABUS may also be used for diagnostic ultrasound imaging of the breast in symptomatic women. Invenia ABUS is a prescription medical device that is limited to sale, distribution, or use to or on the order of a physician. The use of Invenia ABUS is restricted to those who receive the appropriate training. See the device manual for detailed information, contraindications, warnings, precautions, potential adverse events, or consult with your healthcare provider.